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  • Edgar Degas
    Preț special 45.00 LEI Preț standard 60.00 LEI

    Edgar Degas punea in scena tablourile ca un adevarat regizor de tetru, creand astfel perspective fascinante, cadre spectaculare, spatii fugitive. Numeroase imagini ale picturilor, pastelurilor, desenelor si sculpturilor sale demonstreaza ca aceasta opera senzationala, era cu mult in avans fata de epoca in care a trait ... Edgar Degas a jucat un rol special in cercul impresionistilor francezi.

  • Edvard Munch
    Preț special 47.25 LEI Preț standard 63.00 LEI
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    Edvard Munch este considerat cel mai important artist scandinav si un  precursor al expresionismului. El a introdus noi teme in picturaangoasa existentiala, singuratatea umana, imprevizibilitatea emotiilor. Cu o tehnica picturala inovatoare si experimentala, Munch a reusit sa exploreze si sa redea chinurile sufletului omenesc.

  • Renaissance: Art and Architecture in Europe during the 15th and 16th Centuries
    Preț special 75.11 LEI Preț standard 100.14 LEI
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    This impressive reference work presents the key works of Renaissance architecture, sculpture and painting through words and pictures and sets them in the context of their exciting times.

  • Cannes Cinema
    Preț special 53.10 LEI Preț standard 70.80 LEI
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    A warm and personal approach to the development of the festival and that of cinema.

  • The Chronicle of Opera
    Preț special 45.52 LEI Preț standard 60.69 LEI
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    Every opera fan needs this book....The sidebars...and succulent visuals make this book one to keep. (San Francisco Examiner)

    Sumptuous artwork....The level of scholarship is first-rate, as well as tart and to the point. (St. Petersburg Times)

    The special treat here is a virtual year-by-year account of international developments....Verdi good price too. (Philadelphia Inquirer)

  • Fashion Illustration
    Preț special 37.93 LEI Preț standard 50.57 LEI
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    Fashion illustration is essential for transforming ideas into reality.

  • The Illustrated History of Furniture
    Preț special 91.02 LEI Preț standard 121.37 LEI
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    Frederick Litchfield's fascinating and detailed study of the functionality, craftsmanship, and artistry of furniture was written over a century ago in Victorian England and remains as culturally important as it is enduring. This beautiful facsimile edition brings back to the printed page hundreds of the superb engravings and photographic images that Litchfield used to illustrate his comprehensive historical handbook.

  • Mediaeval Patterns
    Preț special 72.25 LEI Preț standard 96.33 LEI

    There is no doubt that at its best, medieval pattern design can match that of any other era, even though it has often been overlooked in favour of the styles devised after the Middle Ages. However, it was during the Romanesque and Gothic periods that two-dimensional decorative elements and structures were developed that remain popular even today. Their particularly strong qualities include bold and powerful forms and subdued colours. Medieval Patterns offers 100+ outstanding samples, carefully restored and reproduced in a very high quality.

  • All Men Are Brothers: Graphic Designers
    Preț special 151.73 LEI Preț standard 202.29 LEI
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    All men are Brothers features 108 leading contemporary poster artists, modern heroes and heroines who can be found relentlessly fighting the good design fight all over the world. All answered eight questions about life and design and offered a selection of their best work to date.

  • Dictionary of Today's Landscape Designers
    Preț special 37.93 LEI Preț standard 50.57 LEI
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    The aim of the book is to illustrate the different ways of understanding landscape, creating a dictionary that can convey not just the scope of the designing processes and their related actors, but to provide a first key for interpreting the various approaches to this discipline that has given rise to an entirely new dimension in designing the cityscape, turning the open space of the city into a space for art and sculpture, for garden and architecture, and into a new field for cultural activity.

    It documents the surprising extent of the planning experience and profiles world-renowned architects, engineers, landscape architects, artists and photographers. It also provides the reader with a key interpretation of the different approaches to an experience that has introduced a new dimension in the physical transformation of our environment.

    The dictionary features leading figures from the international scene, including Tadao Andao, Emilio Ambasz, Daniel Buren, Tony Cragg, Walter De Maria, Michael Heizer, Nancy Holt, Toyo Ito, Anish Kapoor, Rem Koolhaas, Maya Lin, Richard Long and James Turrel, to name a few.

  • The Secret: What Great Leaders Know and Do
    Preț special 94.83 LEI Preț standard 126.43 LEI
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    In The Secret, Debbie, a struggling leader finds herself about to lose her job due to poor performance. In a desperate attempt to save her career, she enrolls in a new mentoring program offered by her company. Much to her surprise, Debbie finds her mentor is the president of the company (Jeff Brown). Debbie decides that all she needs is the answer to one question: “What is the secret of great leaders?” She is convinced that if Jeff will tell her, she can apply the secret in her leadership. Over the next 18 months Jeff explains to Debbie that the secret is rooted in an attitude. He tells her that she must be willing to become a serving leader rather than a self-serving leader. The secret is that all great leaders SERVE.

  • The Discomfort Zone: How Leaders Turn Difficult Conversations Into Breakthroughs
    Preț special 75.86 LEI Preț standard 101.15 LEI
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    Leaders, managers, and mentors are charged with getting people to stretch their limits, but they avoid doing it because of the potential for tension and conflict - and besides, they don’t know if it’ll result in any lasting change anyway. Top executive coach Marcia Reynolds here offers a technique that enables readers to take their people through “the discomfort zone” with minimal pain and maximum gain.

    We can’t see our own blind spots (hence the name), so the role of the leader is crucial. Reynolds explains how to pick the right time and place to enter the discomfort zone and how to create a “safety bubble” so that people will trust your intentions. Then, drawing on discoveries in neuroscience about how people learn, she shows how to ask the kinds of questions that will short-circuit the brain’s defensive mechanisms and habitual thought patterns and help listeners see clearly where they’re falling short and how they can do better. She includes a plethora of actual examples from her coaching practice.

    Reynolds can’t make the discomfort zone into a cake walk - leaders still need the courage to enter it. But she offers a path through it that will result in helping others to achieve lasting changes and enduring success.

  • The B Corp Handbook: How to Use Business as a Force for Good
    Preț special 90.31 LEI Preț standard 120.41 LEI

    B Corps are an exciting, rapidly growing new form of business, and this is the definitive guide to becoming one - and to making the most of it once you’re certified. Author Ryan Honeyman worked closely with the cofounders of B-Lab, the organization that certifies B Corps, throughout the writing of this book.

    The goal of the B Corporation movement is to show how private business - one of the most powerful forces on the planet - can solve social and environmental problems while generating jobs and creating stronger communities. Aspiring B-Corps must meet rigorous performance, accountability, and transparency standards. Honeyman makes the business case for B Corps, looks at what’s involved in implementing the kinds of policies being a B Corp requires, and walks readers through the certification process. He includes enthusiastic accounts by business leaders testifying to the many rewards of becoming a B Corp.

    By providing impartial proof of social and environmental responsibility, becoming a B Corp enables a business to stand out from the competition. This book shows aspiring companies how they can join an elite, growing community of businesses including Patagonia, Seventh Generation, Ben & Jerry’s, Etsy, King Arthur Flour, and nearly 1,000 others - that want to make a difference while they make money.

  • Strategic Leadership: How to Think and Plan Strategically and Provide Direction
    Preț special 144.13 LEI Preț standard 192.18 LEI
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    A strategic leader is essentially the leader of any organization and someone who has to steer the company in times of change, whilst motivating and inspiring their team.

    Strategic Leadership from the renowned leadership expert John Adair encourages leaders to focus on tomorrow rather than yesterday. It explores the nature and origin of strategic leadership, transferable skills and the art of inspiring others. It then describes the role itself and broad functions of that role such as building and maintaining a team, achieving a common task and motivating and developing the individual. It moves on to assess the skills you need to be effective, and the seven generic functions that make up the role of strategic leader which include providing direction, strategic thinking and planning, building partnerships and developing tomorrow's leaders.

    Full of checklists, summaries and historical examples, Strategic Leadership will encourage you to ask the right questions whilst defining the role and skills of a strategic leader.

  • Love 'Em or Lose 'Em: Getting Good People to Stay
    Preț special 98.62 LEI Preț standard 131.49 LEI
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    Since employees who walk out the door cost their companies up to 200 percent of their annual salaries to replace; retention is one of the most important issues facing businesses today. And with so many surveys reporting that employees are unhappy and not working up to their full potential, engagement is a second serious and costly issue. The latest edition of this Wall Street Journal bestseller offers twenty-six simple strategies - from A to Z - that managers can use to address their employees’ real concerns and keep them engaged. The fifth edition has been revised and updated throughout and includes many more international examples, reflecting the fact that Love ’Em or Lose ’Em is available in twenty-two languages, from Albanian and Arabic to Thai and Turkish. Its message is truly one that spans continents and cultures.

  • The Six Secrets of Raising Capital: An Insider's Guide for Entrepreneurs
    Preț special 83.45 LEI Preț standard 111.27 LEI
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    As a banker in Silicon Valley in the 80s, and an entrepreneur who founded a number of successful companies beginning in the 90s, Bill Fisher has seen first-hand that raising capital is the most important part of the startup process. Regardless of vision, motivation, and commitment to social responsibility, nothing will happen without capital. But most entrepreneurs continue to make rookie mistakes that stop them before they have a chance to get started.

    Fisher looks at six traditional steps in the capital-raising process and digs beneath the surface to expose subtle but critical aspects of each - knowledge that, until now, could only come with experience. For example, everyone knows that you need to have a compelling story to raise capital, but compelling for whom? Not for you or your friends or your potential customers, but for investors. So how do you design your pitch to work for them? And while you obviously need investors, they have to be the right investors. You need people who understand your vision and goals, not just whoever is waving the biggest checks..

    Based on Fisher’s three-day seminars that regularly sell out all over the world, this book offers the kind of capital-raising street smarts no entrepreneur can do without.

  • Power Through Partnership: How Women Lead Better Together
    Preț special 72.25 LEI Preț standard 96.33 LEI
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    Drawing from their own ten-year partnership and from interviews with women business partners across the world, Betsy Polk and Maggie Chotas have learned something powerful: when women work together they discover a level of shared support, balance, and a freedom to be themselves that is rarely found in other work relationships.

    Power Through Partnership is a call for women ready to build on their inherent strengths and to collaborate in trust-based professional relationships. Polk and Chotas discuss new research that demonstrates women are actually wired to be better partners than men. They demolish the myths that keep women from collaborating and then walk readers through the potential challenges: finding the best partner, dealing with conflict, facing fears and taking risks, and knowing when to let go of a partnership.

    Featuring illuminating interviews with women partners in all kinds of industries, this book shows that when women collaborate - combining complementary skills, pushing ego aside and supporting each other - they can work as full equals to achieve something that’s exponentially greater than the two alone.

  • Why Motivating People Doesn't Work...and What Does
    Preț special 98.62 LEI Preț standard 131.49 LEI
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    Top trainer and coach Susan Fowler urges leaders to stop trying to motivate people! It's frustrating for everyone involved, and it just doesn’t work. You can’t motivate people - not if you want a genuine commitment to excellence from them. Applying recent, often surprising psychological discoveries, she lays out a tested process for helping people motivate themselves, in ways that not only increase productivity and engagement but that also give them a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment.

    Traditional carrot and stick techniques may result in some temporary gains, Fowler argues, but once the bribe or the threat is gone, people’s commitment flags. And these kinds of techniques make people focus more on the reward or the punishment than on their jobs. Her Optimal Motivation process shows leaders how to move people away from dependence on external rewards and how to help them discover how their jobs can meet the deeper psychological needs - for autonomy, connection, and competence - that science tells us result in true, long-lasting motivation. Susan Fowler's book is the groundbreaking answer for leaders who want to "get motivation" right!

  • Ice Cream Social: The Struggle for the Soul of Ben & Jerry's
    Preț special 75.86 LEI Preț standard 101.15 LEI
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    Ben & Jerry’s have always been committed to an insanely ambitious three-part mission: making the world’s best ice cream, supporting progressive causes, and sharing the company’s success with all stakeholders: employees, suppliers, distributors, customers, cows, everybody. But it hasn’t been easy.

    This is the first book to tell the full, inside story of the inspiring rise, tragic mistakes, devastating fall, determined recovery, and ongoing renewal of one of the most iconic mission-driven companies in the world. No previous book has focused so intently on the challenges presented by staying true to that mission. No other book has explained how the company came to be sold to corporate giant Unilever or how that relationship evolved to allow Ben & Jerry’s to pursue its mission on a much larger stage.

    Journalist Brad Edmondson tells the story with an eye for details, dramatic moments, and memorable characters. He interviewed dozens of key figures, particularly Jeff Furman, who helped Ben and Jerry write their first business plan in 1978 and became chairman of the board in 2010. It’s a funny, sad, surprising, and ultimately hopeful story.

  • Time Management: The Brian Tracy Success Library
    Preț special 37.93 LEI Preț standard 50.57 LEI
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    More than any other practice in your career, your ability to manage time will determine your success or failure. It's a simple equation. The better you use your time, the more you will accomplish, and the greater your rewards will be. This pocket-sized guide reveals 21 proven time management techniques you can use immediately to gain two or more productive hours every day. Featuring the strategies that business expert Brian Tracy has identified as the most effective and that he himself employs, this handy volume reveals how you can: handle endless interruptions, meetings, emails, and phone calls; identify your key result areas; allocate enough time for top priority responsibilities; batch similar tasks to preserve focus and make the most of each minute; overcome procrastination; determine what to delegate and what to eliminate; utilize Program Evaluation and Review Techniques to work back ward from the future... and ensure your most important goals are met; and more. Filled with Brian Tracy's trademark wisdom, this book will help you get more done, in less time... and with much less stress.

  • Märchen
    Preț special 37.93 LEI Preț standard 50.57 LEI
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    Jahrhunderte lang wurden unsere Volksmärchen in den Kinderstuben und am Spinnrad weitererzählt, bis Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm sie niederschrieben. Hier sind die schönsten Märchen zusammengestellt: Geschichten von sanftmütigen Prinzessinnen und klugen Bauerntöchtern, von mutigen Jünglingen und hartherzigen Vätern, von gewitzten Zwergen und hilfsbereiten Tieren.

  • Der Zauberer von Oz
    Preț special 36.12 LEI Preț standard 48.16 LEI
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    Die kleine Dorothy wird im Traum von einem Wirbelsturm in das Land des Zauberers entführt. Dank ihres Mutes, ihrer Tatkraft und Hilfsbereitschaft und mit Hilfe ihrer Freunde – eine Vogelscheuche, ein Blechholzfäller und ein Löwe – überwindet sie alle Hindernisse und kehrt nach Hause zurück.

  • Meine ersten 500 Wörter
    Preț special 22.76 LEI Preț standard 30.35 LEI
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    Der Aufbau dieses Buches hilft dem Kind, sich anhand von einfachsten Dingen - wie Farben, Zahlen und Buchstaben - einen Grundwortschatz anzueignen. Das geht ganz leicht durch Zeichnungen, neben denen das pasende Wort steht, von Gegenständen, Obst, Gemüse, Blumen, Spielsachen, Kleidungsstücken, Tieren usw.

  • Think Like a Freak: How to Think Smarter about Almost Everything
    Preț special 68.64 LEI Preț standard 91.52 LEI

    " Non-stop fun" (Evening Standard) " Dazzling... a delight" (The Economist)

  • Fallen
    Preț special 43.35 LEI Preț standard 57.80 LEI

    Dangerously exciting and darkly romantic, Fallen is a page turning thriller and the ultimate love story.

  • Rapture
    Preț special 45.52 LEI Preț standard 60.69 LEI
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    When evil triumphs . . . when the world ends . . . trust your love.

  • Torment
    Preț special 37.57 LEI Preț standard 50.10 LEI

    The second novel in the addictive FALLEN series . . . where love never dies.

  • Something I've Been Meaning To Tell You
    Preț special 50.83 LEI Preț standard 67.77 LEI
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    A remarkable early collection of stories by Alice Munro, bestselling author of Dear Life, and one of the greatest fiction writers of our time

  • The Concise Untold History of the United States
    Preț special 45.52 LEI Preț standard 60.69 LEI
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    " These is much here to reflect upon. Such a perspective is indispensable. ...At stake is whether the United States will choose to be the policeman of a 'Pax Americana', which is a recipe for disaster, or partner with other nations on the way to a safer, more just and sustainable future." ( President Mikhail Gorbachev)

  • Bad Banks: Greed, Incompetence and the Next Global Crisis
    Preț special 48.41 LEI Preț standard 64.54 LEI

    Bad Banks is a gripping account of the problems and scandals that continue to bedevil the world's banking system some seven years after the credit crunch.

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